Here's our family picture for 2006. This year was good to us. Emmet and Parker are growing like weeds.

Parker has been busy with preschool, gymnastics, and swimming lessons. He is very athletic and very good at swinging on the rings.
Emmet has a sweet smile and is learning lots of new words like

April's piano studio is bulging at the seems and she has people waiting for space to open up. She is the new temple prep teacher in our ward and still finds time to take care of the boys (all 3) and work out religiously.

Paul entered the clinic in 2006 and is enjoying treating patients. He loves April's piano lessons because he gets to spend them with the boys. They have been to every museam, aquarium, park and planetarium in the greater bay area (almost). He is also enjoying his continued work with the young men. He even has time to catch a crab or two.
That's our 2006 wrapup. Exciting things on the horizon for 2007 are a trip to Disneyland and lots of ice cream. Here are some of the year's photos: