COLORADO Red rocks, green magestic mountains, what more can you say. WOW!
These are real ruins built in the 1800s... Wait a minute, that's not ancient. Still, this place was a good time - manitou springs
Berry Good Pickin' I think this berry farm in Pescadero lost money on us. You could eat as many berries as you wanted while you were there and paid by the pound for what you carried out. They should have weighed the boys coming in and leaving though because they were very good at eating and not so good at putting them in their buckets.
Fourth of July We seemed to have plenty of opportunities to burn sparklers on this trip to Utah. As you can see, Emmet was really into his sparklers. Cody looks pretty enthused about them too.
Parker graduated to sparklers in both hands this year. We are so proud.
Trip to Ogden. We camped up Ogden Canyon and took the gondola to the top of snowbasin. Parker's great grandparents taught him how to catch his first fish.
I have something to tell you, you are the bestest Mom I've ever had.
Can I play Wii?
MOM! Focus on Me!
Parker Says: Are you Crazy Man!
Mom, I looked in the mirror and I like myself.
I love you as much as myself!
I was just going to say that!
Wow, this is Fantastic!
Mom, you're not having appropriate behavior right now.
Camping in Pescadero
My Singing groups Talent Show performance!
The Heinrich's video taped this which was so cool that they did that. If you look on the you tube video bar you can view our talent show performance! We had a good time doing this.
Enjoying Pescadero
Parker"s Favorite Christmas Song
Parker love's this song and I love the video. It's pretty corny 80's stuff. Check it out! Also I'm still learning how to do this video thing but Hillary Duff is one of the you tube broadcasts. It's not there because I love her. It's just there because I can't get rid of it! So viewer beware and just say no to Hillary.