Tis The Season To Be Sick!
Wow talk about a taboo in our family. Disease always hits us around the Holidays but it has never hit us on Thanksgiving until now! Everything was set to go. We had plans with our friends to share the festivities together and then Parker got sick. A bad cold with a fever. We then ended up sharing food only with our friends and having Thanksgiving alone. Well the food was good anyway and Parker started to perk up and then I didn't and then Emmet also dropped off the Health vine. So our whole Thanksgiving Holiday was ruined with one nasty cold. We are still sick and Emmet, who I have been worried about the most, is now on the upswing. Besides that we did get to see Enchanted a super cute Disney movie. I highly recommend it. It's also been nice to sleep in. Because the boys have been sick they haven't been waking up until 9 or so. To bad that will be over soon.
Wow talk about a taboo in our family. Disease always hits us around the Holidays but it has never hit us on Thanksgiving until now! Everything was set to go. We had plans with our friends to share the festivities together and then Parker got sick. A bad cold with a fever. We then ended up sharing food only with our friends and having Thanksgiving alone. Well the food was good anyway and Parker started to perk up and then I didn't and then Emmet also dropped off the Health vine. So our whole Thanksgiving Holiday was ruined with one nasty cold. We are still sick and Emmet, who I have been worried about the most, is now on the upswing. Besides that we did get to see Enchanted a super cute Disney movie. I highly recommend it. It's also been nice to sleep in. Because the boys have been sick they haven't been waking up until 9 or so. To bad that will be over soon.