I Got Tagged! Thanks A Lot
Okay, so I guess I've been tagged! I had to ask Jen what that meant because I am blog illiterate!
So for those of you who don't have a clue about tagging either it means you have to tell 6 things about yourself when someone tells you you are tagged! So I don't know what to tell. My life is not very exciting but will give it a whirl!
1. When I was a little girl I was a big Tom boy. I used to play kick ball with the boys, dig in the dirt to find bugs and make them drown, play pirates with my neighbor friends and I hated to wash my hair. I had lice when I was like 8. I can't remember how old but anyway. Most people don't picture that in me as a Tom boy because I'm not a sports addict!
2. That leads me to number 2. I am not a sports addict. I don't really play any sports. Mostly I do the solo things like running and skiing. The thing I hated the most growing up was having people ask me all the time if I played basketball or volleyball. I always felt dumb telling them that I really didn't play because they would always look at me in surprise and say "really, but your so tall!"
3. I love art and music. I was part of the not so in crowd of musicians in High School. I accompanied the choirs and sang in them as well. Talk about a nerd! I graduated from BYU with a major in Humanities and French minor. Studied in Paris to absorb all the great art of the centuries. What can I say I'm Artsy-Fartsy!
4. I have a feddish for Disco Skating. I was a big disco skater when I went to Ricks College and had a bunch of friends who did the same and we would skate every Monday night at the MC. If I could find a skating rink here I would totally go in a heart-beat. If any of you know of one let me know.
5. When I was 2 I used to sing the Mcdonald's theme song to the Mcdonald's employees everytime we went there. Very loudly I might add! Sometimes I still sing to them...
6. I have been proposed to 4 times. That may not sound too bad but when I add that it was from the same guy you may think I'm a little crazy. I guess I am and the boy who proposed to me was obviously as well because he waited around until I finally married him!
Well there you have it! Me in a nut-shell. Some stuff you already may know and some maybe I shouldn't have mentioned!
Whoops forgot to put who I'm tagging now! Carly, Brook and Taylor Olsen, Jen, Michelle and Jenny. You've been tagged!
You find the skating rink and I am right there with you!!!
This was funny, I like your McDonalds picture and I love your new design!
Good for Paul for sticking with it!!!
Okay so I will try and work on thinking of interesting things about myself to put on our blog!
Hey, will you guys still be living in SF in May? My brother is getting married in the Oakland Temple May 3 and we thought we could somehow squeeze a couple days of a SF vacation in since we'll be there already!
Hey April
I got the template for my blog from the website in the top right hand corner of my blog. They have thousands of blog templates there and you can tweek most of them, which is how you can make it transparent. ttyl
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