Merry Christmas!

Well I know it has been way too long since our last post. I am not very good at keeping up with the blog thing. I just get so busy and the blog takes the very very last of my time and so therefore I never get around to it. But earlier tonight I thought about it and realized gosh my blog looks so crappy and I never even got the Halloween pics on! What a blogger loser I am! So now it is more winter presentable and finally some new pics! We had some pictures done of the boys for christmas with santa and themselves. They turned out really cute. While we were there Parker kept quizzing the santa there about if he was the real santa. Their santa was pretty good too at keeping up with all of Parker's questions. He had a real beard and Parker and Emmet pulled on it a few times just to make sure it was the real deal.

Well I know it has been way too long since our last post. I am not very good at keeping up with the blog thing. I just get so busy and the blog takes the very very last of my time and so therefore I never get around to it. But earlier tonight I thought about it and realized gosh my blog looks so crappy and I never even got the Halloween pics on! What a blogger loser I am! So now it is more winter presentable and finally some new pics! We had some pictures done of the boys for christmas with santa and themselves. They turned out really cute. While we were there Parker kept quizzing the santa there about if he was the real santa. Their santa was pretty good too at keeping up with all of Parker's questions. He had a real beard and Parker and Emmet pulled on it a few times just to make sure it was the real deal.

So as far as any new news, I am still pregnant and yes it is still a girl. I had another ultra sound which confirmed it. Nothing there! We are gearing up for that as well as getting things done for christmas. We plan on having Paul's family in town for christmas so that should be lots of chaotic fun. I just don't know how to plan meals for 10 people. This will be my first time hosting such a big christmas. I admire women who do this on a regular basis. The boys are super excited about it though. And I am excited to not have christmas this year in a tiny apartment. Yeah! I love having space. Future Dental Graduate friends, your dream of having more space does come true! Anything else. Let's see... Parker and Emmet have been taking swimming and my scardy cat son Parker is finally doing flips in the water and never coming up for air. It is great to see him so confident. I just started them up for more gymnastics for some winter excercise and we are enjoying the snow here so far and sledding at least once a week. For the book lovers I have been reading John Adams by McCollough and loving it. We also have been watching the series as well. I highly reccomend this biography! That's all for right now folks. I think I have written a novel here but it may be awhile until I write again knowing my track record. Have a great Christmas season. We love you all!
We just got your card. Those pictures are so cute. Lucky you with all that space. Good luck with your house guests.
Those are the CUTEST pictures! Your boys are adorable! I can't wait to see how gorgeous your little princess is going to be!
We too LOVED your card. We missed not seeing you this Christmas, but it was nice talking to everyone. Cute blog. Check us out when you have time:)
Hi April
Happy belated holidays and new years! How is everyone? I was writing to request a entry/update and pictures please of ALL of you. That would be wonderful. Oh and by the way my blog is private but I sent you an invite. Take care
We're really excited for you to get a little girl. And how fun to get one when you have a room to put her in!
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